A Typical Day at Acorns
Morning Session
Our morning sessions run from
9am - 12 noon.Children start their morning by hanging up their coats, saying goodbye to parents, self registering and greeting the teacher who is taking the register.
The children vote on their chosen activity. They have the opportunity to self select activities and free play both outside and indoors.
We all come together for our good morning song, weather board and days of the week. We follow this with a nutritious snack with water and milk.
The children participate in small adult led group times where they experience age appropriate activities.
We support children’s individual interests and encourage further learning through play based activities. The children are free to select whatever activity they choose. Children can play in two outside areas – our large grassed garden, and the tarmac area at our entrance. Children are encouraged to find and put on their own boots and coats before going outside. We sometimes having singing, snack and stories outside on picnic rugs and we have shelter in the garden to protect against rain. We aim to enjoy our outdoor spaces come rain or shine - we have the flexibility to use the village hall for physical games, music and movement.
Some days the children take turns to help prepare the fruit and food for snack time. During snack time, the children are encouraged to socialise and chat amongst themselves. Milk and water is available to drink.
Lunch Session
Our lunch time sessions run from
9am - 1pm.If you would like your little one to stay on for lunch then you will need to bring a nutritious packed lunch for them each day.
Lunch is a social time and the children chat to each other and with the adults. We all enjoy our lunch together just after 12 noon.Each day three children assist with lunch time which includes handing out lunchboxes, drinks and clearing away afterwards.
We can always offer ideas and inspiration for delicious packed lunches if you need any suggestions.
Full Day
Our full day sessions from from
9am - 2:45pm.There is time for the children to have some quiet time after lunch for a short period, listening to calm music or an audio story. All children then have some time playing outside before returning indoors to share some more group time together.
After 1pm, the afternoon activity is varied, often a group activity involving talking, turn taking games, sorting, sequencing, cooking, measuring, imaginary play, music and movement, problem solving, listening games, drawing, stories and more outside play. We may also go for a walk to explore the local area. We visit the churchyard, the woods, the fields next to the farm, our neighbour’s pond, the post box and we like to go inside the church too.
Children have a snack and drink, and the day usually ends with circle time and reflecting on the day, remembering what has happened, and what was enjoyed best.